December is one of the most stressful times of year for a lot of people. Not for me. This is how I choose to spend my December, and I invite you to try it too.
This time of year, many of us get focused on long to-do lists. The magic of the holidays is actually brought about by running faster and longer. There are still deadlines and projects and employees to manage, PLUS clients to entertain, parties to throw, gifts to buy, offices and homes to decorate and...
Since the beginning of December, I have spoken with more people who have lamented their schedules and talked about surviving the next few weeks. Instead of Jingle Bells, I’m hearing the refrain of, “I’m out EVERY NIGHT. Ahhhhhh.”
That is not how I choose to spend December. As the month turns to thoughts of Christmas, I begin to spend time contemplating how my year has gone. And it gives me the same warm feeling as a hot mug of cocoa. Yup, I’m serious! And, why am I so lucky that my memory lane yearly review invokes such joy? Because every year I do three things (and yes, I do this every year):
🌲 I envision what I most want the upcoming year to represent and embody. I get really clear on what I want. So clear in fact that I can feel it in my bones. I don’t get caught up in how I’m going to do it, or whether it’s possible. I just paint a picture in my mind of what I want to feel throughout the year.
🌲 As I'm making decisions throughout the year, no matter how busy I get, I avoid autopilot and I ground myself by consistently asking myself: is this THOUGHT, WORD, OR ACTION congruent with the picture I have painted and with the goals I have set? If not, I revise my choices so that they are aligned with my goals.
🌲 I set myself up for success, which means I stay connected to my vision through ritual. This does two things: it clears the inevitable mind clutter and enables conscious choice. For my personal life, this means I program my brain with intention. This makes me less reactive (except behind the wheel of my car but I’m going to double down this year) and more purposeful. In my business, it means I plan my focus, my priorities, my questions and conversations to align to the vision.
And before you know it it’s December and, while I may be tired, I am happy and proud of what I have accomplished, even with all of the year’s imperfections.
So, this is my gift to you this holiday season. I invite you to try it and drop me a line and let me know how it’s going.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or anything or nothing else, may your December and New Year be filled with blessings and joy.